Lexapro and nitequill

Apr 14, 2007 . I see the warning on the Nyquil bottle now. . I never. I've started taking Lexapro about 3 month ago because of my depression symptoms. Drug interactions are reported among people who take Lexapro and Nyquil together. This review analyzes the effectiveness and drug interactions between . Nov 12, 2003 . I specifically asked my doc if it was okay to take Nyquil and/or Benadryl with Lexapro due to sinus issues I also have. She. Lexapro is a the brand name for a prescription medication that is indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder in adults and adolescents, and. Identify these serious escitalopram oral (Lexapro Oral) drug interactions with the RxList drug interaction checker tool. I am on 10 mg of lexapro which I take when I wake up. I got a head cold and took 2 nyquil at 11:30pm. I didn't even think about the meds till after . 1 Answer - Posted in: lexapro, nyquil, depression, anxiety, cold symptoms - Answer: Hi, Shane! Yes, occasionally, but don't make it a habit.. Dec 19, 2013 . I take 10mg of Lexapro, and I've been fighting colds for the last month. Without being aware of any drug interactions, I've been taking . Dr. Kuhnley responded: Avoid Nyquil/Dayquil. May risk interaction. Choose a cold product containing chlorpheniramine (antihistamine) and phenylephrine ..

Lexapro and nitequill

Lexapro and nitequill